Journal Publications

(A) 学術雑誌掲載論文(査読付き原著論文)
“Observation of population inversion in He I due to a double electron capture process”
S. Namba, S. Kusakabe, K. Takahara, K. Sato, T. Katsuta and T. Oda,
Fusion Engineering and Design, 34-35, pp. 777-779 (1997).
“A double electron capture by alpha particles in collisions with hydrogen molecules in low temperature plasma”
T. Oda, K. Sato, S. Namba, S. Kusakabe, K. Takahara, H. Tawara, T. Katsuta, K. Takiyama and
U. Furukane,
J. Nucl. Matter., 241-243, pp. 1238-1242 (1997).
“Double electron capture process in C3+-H2 collisions inferred from spectroscopic measurements
in plasmas”
K. Iwasaki, S. Namba, K. Takahara,. S. Kusakabe, K. Toi, Y. Hamada, K. Sato,
J. Phys. D, Appl. Phys., 31, pp. 2789-2796 (1998).
“Spectroscopic observation of a helium plasma cooled by a hydrogen gas injection”
S. Namba, I. Nomura, K. Iwasaki, K. Takiyama, U. Furukane, T. Oda and K. Sato,
J. Nucl. Mater., 266-269, pp. 1157-1160 (1999).
“Spectroscopic study of ionizing and recombining plasma in a stationary plasma source”
S. Namba, M. Goto, H. Tsuboi, T. Oda and K. Sato,
J. Appl. Phys., 88, pp. 3182-3189 (2000).
“Production of highly-charged ions by nitrogen gas target irradiated with ultrashort high-intensity pulse laser”
S. Namba, T. Kawachi, N. Hasegawa, K. Nagashima, K. Sukegawa, M. Kado, M. Tanaka, H. Daido, Y. Kato,
Int. J. Appl. Electro. and Mech., 14, pp. 277-282 (2001/2002).
“Gain saturation of nickel-like silver and tin x-ray lasers by use of a table top pumping laser system”
T. Kawachi, M. Kado, M. Tanaka, A. Sasaki, N. Hasegawa, A.V. Kilpio, S. Namba, K. Nagashima, P. Lu, K. Takahashi, H. Tang, R. Tai, M. Kishimoto, M. Koike, H. Daido, Y. Kato,
Phys. Rev. A, 66, 033815 (2002).
“Demonstration of a Transient High Gain Soft X-Ray Laser for Neon-Like Argon”
P. Lu, T. Kawachi, M. Suzuki, K. Sukegawa, S. Namba, M. Tanaka, N. Hasegawa, K. Nagashima, H. Daido, T. Arisawa, Y. Kato, H. Fiedorowicz,
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 41, L133-L135 (2002).
永島圭介, 河内哲哉, 加道雅孝, 田中桃子, 長谷川登, 助川鋼太, 難波愼一, H. Tang, 他2名
プラズマ核融合学会誌, Vol. 78 No. 3, pp. 248-255 (2002).
“High-density metastable helium atoms produced by Penning-type discharges”
P. X. Peng, D. Andruczyk, B. W. James, K. Takiyama, S. Namba and T. Oda,
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol., 12, pp. 142-147 (2003).
“Effect of discharge current and voltage on the high density of metastable helium atoms”
P. X. Peng, D. Andruczyk, B. W. James, K. Takiyama, S. Namba and T. Oda,
Chinese Physics, Vol. 12 No. 5, pp. 495-501 (2003).
“Development of a pumping laser system for x-ray laser research”
T. Kawachi, M. Kado, M. Tanaka, N. Hasegawa, K. Nagashima, K. Sukegawa, P. Lu, K. Takahashi,
S. Namba, M. Koike, A. Nagashima, and Y. Kato,
Applied Optics, 42 (12), pp. 2198-2205 (2003).
“Fast Numerical Calculation for a Set of Nonlinear Rate Equations: Application to Rapid Ionization Phase in Plasma”
T. Oda, S. Namba, K. Takiyama and U. Furukane,
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 44, pp. 8118-8124 (2005).
“Efficient electron heating in nitrogen clusters irradiated with intense femtosecond laser pulses”
S. Namba, N. Hasegawa, K. Nagashima, T. Kawachi, M. Kishimoto, K. Sukegawa and K. Takiyama,
Phys. Rev. A, 73, 013205 (2006).
“Spectroscopic study of ablation and recombination processes in a laser-produced ZnO plasma”
S. Namba, R. Nozu, K. Takiyama and T. Oda,
J. Appl. Phys., 99, 073302 (2006).
“Spectroscopic study of debris mitigation with minimum-mass Sn laser plasma for extreme ultraviolet lithography”
S. Namba, S. Fujioka, H. Nishimura, U. Yasuda, K. Nagai, N. Miyanaga, Y. Izawa, K. Mima
and K. Takiyama,
Appl. Phys. Lett., 88, 171503 (2006).
“Development of Supersonic Metastable Helium Pulsed Beam Source for Plasma Diagnostics”
S. Namba, D. Andruczyk, K. Takiyama, D. Ueno, S. Furukawa and B. W. James,
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 45 No. 10B, pp. 8099-8103 (2006).
“A short-pulsed compact supersonic helium beam source for plasma diagnostics”
D. Andruczyk, S. Namba, B. W. James, K. Takiyama and T. Oda,
Plasma Devices and Operations, 14, pp. 81-89 (2006).
“次世代リソグラフィー光源としての最少質量EUV 放射プラズマの開発”
藤岡慎介,西村博明,井澤靖和,西原功修,青田達也,上田修義,安藤強史,村上匡且,姜永光,乗松孝好,長井圭治,谷勤翠,保田ゆづり,宮永憲明,三間圀興, 島田義則,橋本和久,山浦道照,砂原淳,古河裕之,内田成明,難波愼一,
プラズマ核融合学会誌, Vol. 82 No. 9, pp. 609-616 (2006).
“Observation of OH Radical Reactions with Atomic Hydrogen in He/H2O Plasmas by LIF Spectroscopy”
K. Takiyama, S. Namba, T. Yamasaki, A. Shoji, J. H. Kwon, R. E. Park and H. Nojima,
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 45, No. 10B, pp. 8260-8263 (2006).
“Enhancement of Double Auger Decay Probability in Xenon Clusters Irradiated with a Soft-X-ray Laser pulse”
S. Namba, N. Hasegawa, M. Nishikino, T. Kawachi, M. Kishimoto, K. Sukegawa, M. Tanaka,
Y. Ochi, K. Takiyama and K. Nagashima,
Phys. Rev. Lett., 99, 043004 (2007).
“Novel atmospheric pressure plasma device releasing atomic hydrogen: reduction of microbial-contaminants and OH radicals in the air”
H. Nojima, R. Park, J. Kwon, I. Suh, J. Jeon, E. Ha, H.i On, H. Kim, K. Choi, K. Lee, B. Seong, H. Jung, S. Kang, S. Namba and K. Takiyama,
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 40, pp. 501–509 (2007).
“Absolute evaluation of out-of-band radiation from laser-produced tin plasmas for extreme ultraviolet lithography”
H. Sakaguchi, S. Fujioka, S. Namba, H. Tanuma, H. Ohashi, S. Suda, M. Shimomura, Y. Nakai, Y. Kimura, Y. Yasuda, H. Nishimura, T. Norimatsu, A. Sunahara, K. Nishihara, N. Miyanaga, Y. Izawa, K. Mima,
Appl. Phys. Lett., 92, 111503 (2008).
“Characterization of out-of-band radiation and plasma parameters in laser-produced Sn plasmas for extreme ultraviolet lithography light sources”
S. Namba, S. Fujioka, H. Sakaguchi, H. Nishimura, Y. Yasuda, K. Nagai, N. Miyanaga, Y. Izawa, K. Mima, K. Sato, K. Takiyama,
J. Appl. Phys., 104, 013305 (2008).
プラズマ核融合学会誌, Vol. 84, No. 7, pp. 439-442 (2008).
“Effect of Disalignment due to Electron Collision on Laser-Induced Fluorescence Polarization Spectroscopy for Measuring Electric Field in Plasmas”
S. Furukawa, S. Namba, K. Takiyama, T. Oda,
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 47, pp. 8570-8575 (2008).
“Photoionized Xenon Cluster Plasmas Generated by a Soft X-ray Laser Pulse”
S. Namba, K. Takiyama, N. Hasegawa, M. Kishimoto, M. Nishikino, T. Kawachi, et al,
J. Phys. Conf. Series, 112, 042057 (2008).
“Transition from Thermal to Recombining Plasma in a Free Expanding Arc Jet Plasma Generator”
S. Namba, K. Nakamura, K. Yashio, S. Furukawa, K. Takiyama, K. Sato,
J. Plasma and Fusion Res. Series, 8, pp. 1348-1352 (2009). -
“Intensity and polarization of laser-induced fluorescence due to forbidden excitation of He atoms immersed in an electric field in plasmas” K. Takiyama, S. Furukawa, S. Namba, T. Oda, and K. Kawasaki, Phys. Rev. E, 79, 026402 (2009).
“Spatially-resolved spectroscopic study of arcjet helium plasmas expanding through a rectangular shaped converging- diverging nozzle” S. Namba, N. Yashio, K. Kozue, K. Nakamura, T. Endo, K. Takiyama and K. Sato, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 48, 116005 (2009).
“Two-dimensional spatial temperature and density measurements in an arcjet plasma expanding through a slit nozzle”K. Kozue, S. Nakamitsu, S. Namba, T. Endo, K. Takiyama, K. Sato and N. Tamura, Plasma and Fusion Research, 6 2406054 (2010).
“Emission spectroscopy of a microhollow cathode discharge plasma in helium-water gas mixtures”
S. Namba, T.Yamasaki, Y.Hane, D.Fukuhara, K.Kozue, and K.Takiyama,
J. Appl. Phys. 110, 073307 (2011). -
“Electron spectra of xenon clusters irradiated with a laser-driven plasma soft-x-ray laser pulse”
S. Namba, N. Hasegawa, M. Kishimoto, M. Nishikino, K. Takiyama and T. Kawachi,
Phys. Rev. A, 84, 053202 (2011). -
“Effect of cathode length on electrical characteristics of a microhollow cathode discharge in helium”
T. Yamasaki, S. Namba, K. Takiyama and N. Nojima,
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 51, 066001 (2012) -
“Pressure Dependences of Gas Temperature and Electron Density in Microhollow Cathode Discharges in He and He+H2O Gases”
T. Yamasaki, S. Namba, K. Takiyama, and H. Nojima
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 51, 126101 (2012). -
“Spectroscopic measurement of shock waves in an arcjet plasma expanding through a conical nozzle”
K. Kozue, G. Kumakawa, S. Namba, T. Endo, K. Takiyama, K. Sato and N. Tamura,
Plasma Sci. Technol. 15, 89 (2013). -
“Characterization of a microhollow cathode discharge plasma in helium or air with water vapor”
D. Fukuhara, S. Namba, K. Kozue, T. Yamasaki and K. Takiyama,
Plasma Sci. Technol. 15, 129 (2013). -
“Cathode sheath thickness of a microhollow cathode discharge plasma in argon high gas pressures”
D. Fukuhara, S. Namba and K. Takiyama,
Engineering Journal 17, pp1-6(2013). -
“Spectroscopic observation of He arcjet plasma expanding through a converging and diverging slit nozzle”
K. Kozue, S. Namba, T. Endo, K. Takiyama and N. Tamura,
Engineering Journal 17, pp7-12(2013). -
“Mass Spectrometry Study of Reactive Species in a Microhollow Cathode Discharge in He+H2O Mixtures”
Y. Katada, S. Ikeno, S. Murakami, S. Namba, K. Takiyama, K. Takenoshita, H. Nojima
Engineering Journal 17, pp.29-34 (2013). -
“Parametric amplification of attosecond pulse trains at 11 nm”
J. Seres, E. Seres, B. Landgraf, B. Ecker, B. Aurand, A. Hoffmann, G. Winkler, S. Namba, T. Kuehl and C. Spielmann,
Sci. Rep.4, 04254 (2014). -
” Measurements of Localized Potential by LIF Polarization Spectroscopy in an Inertial-Electrostatic”
T. Motoyasu, S. Namba and K. Takiyama,
J. Korean. Phys. Soc., 65, pp.1205-1208 (2014). -
” Investigation of shock wave in an arcjet He plasma by electric probe and emission spectroscopy”
G. Kumagawa, K. Kozue, S. Fujino, L. Matsuoka, T. Endo, S. Namba, N. Tamura, N. Ezumi,
J. Korean. Phys. Soc., 65, pp.1252-1256(2014). -
” Spatially Resolved Absorption Spectroscopy on a Microhollow Cathode Helium Plasma Using a Vertical-Cavity Surface- Emitting Laser”,
K. Torii, S. Yamawaki, K. Takayama, S. Namba, K. Fujii, T. Shikama and M. Hasuo,
Plasma Fusion Res., 10, 3406063 (2015). -
” Construction of a magnetic bottle spectrometer and its application to pulse duration measurement of X-ray laser using a pump-probe method”
S. Namba, N. Hasegawa, M. Kishimoto, M. Nishikino, M. Ishino and T. Kawachi,
AIP Advances., 5, 117101 (2015). -
“Quantum control of isotope-selective rovibrational excitation of diatomic molecules in the thermal distribution”
Akira Ichihara, Leo Matsuoka, Yuzuru Kurosaki, Keiichi Yokoyama,
Optical Review, 22, pp. 153-156 (2015). -
“Isotope-selective dissociation of diatomic molecules by terahertz optical pulses”,
Akira Ichihara, Leo Matsuoka, Etsuo Segawa, Keiichi Yokoyama,
Physical Review A, 91, 043404 (2015). -
“Unified parameter for localization in isotope-selective rotational excitation of diatomic molecules using a train of optical pulses", Leo Matsuoka, Physical Review A, 91, 043420 (2015).
“An Ab Initio Study on Four Low-lying Electronic Potential Energy Curves for Atomic Cesium and Rare Gas Pairs”,
Takanori Kobayashi, Kenta Yuki, Leo Matsuoka,
Chemistry Letters, 45, pp. 1400-1402 (2016). -
“Reinjection of transmitted laser light into laser-produced plasma for efficient laser ignition”,
T. Endo, Y. Takenaka, Y. Sako, T. Honda, T. Johzaki and S. Namba,
Applied Optics 55, pp. 1132 (2016). -
“Avalanche of stimulated forward scattering in high harmonic generation”,
C. Serrat,, D.Roca, J. M. Budesca, J. Seres, E. Seres, B. Aurand, A. Hoffmann, S. Namba, T. Kuehl, and C. Spielmann,
Opt. Exp 24, 8028 (2016). -
“Development of a cascade arc discharge source for an atmosphere-vacuum interface device”,
S. Namba, T. Endo, S. Fujino, C. Suzuki, and N. Tamura,
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87, 083503 (2016). -
“Core-level attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy of laser-dressed solid films of Si and Zr”,
E. Seres, J. Seres, C. Serrat and S. Namba,
Phys. Rev. B 94, 165125 (2016). -
“Numerical Study of Spectral Line Shapes in High-Density He Plasmas”,
H. Kawazome and Shinichi Namba, Plasma Fusion. Res. 11, 2401124 (2016). -
“Localization in Rotational Excitation of Diatomic Molecules Induced by a Train of Optical Pulses”,
Leo Matsuoka, Etsuo Segawa, Interdisciplinary Information Sciences, 23, pp. 51-56 (2017). -
“Numerical analysis of highly efficient laser-based method of radioactive Cs isotope separation utilizing light-induced drift in D1 and D2 transitions in rare gases”,
Kenta Yuki, Takanori Kobayashi, Leo Matsuoka, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 54, pp. 1240-1250 (2017). -
“Quasi-classical Trajectory Calculation for the Cesium Exchange Reaction of 133CsI (v = 0, j = 0) + 135Cs → 133Cs + I135Cs”, Takanori Kobayashi, Leo Matsuoka, Keiichi Yokoyama, Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy, 96, pp. 441-444 (2017).
“Numerical study of collisional effects in saturated absorption spectrum of argon arcjet plasma”,
Leo Matsuoka, Noritaka Nishiya, Kenta Yuki, Yutaro Sonoyama, Journal of Instrumentation, 12, C11023 (2017). -
“An experimental study on the ignition ability of a laser-induced gaseous breakdown”,
T. Endo, Y. Takenaka, Y. Sako, T. Johzaki, S. Namba,
Combustion and Flame 178, 1 (2017). -
“Measurement of ion Mach number of arcjet plasmas by a directional Langmuir probe under high-gas pressure”,
W. Sasano, T. Shikama, K. Kozue, L. Matsuoka, N. Tamura and S. Namba,
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 3, pp. 285-288 (2017). -
“Attosecond sublevel beating and nonlinear dressing on the 3d-to-5p and 3p-to-4s core transtions at 91.3 eV and 21.0 eV in Krypton",
E. Seres, J. Seres, S. Namba, J. Afa and C. Serrat, Opt. Exp. 25, pp.31775 (2017). -
“Comparative study of laser ignition and spark-plug ignition in high-speed flows”,
T. Endo, K. Kuwamoto, W. Kim, T. Johzaki, D. Shimokuri, S. Namba,
Combustion and Flame, 191 pp.408-417 (2018). -
“Characteristics of an under-expanded supersonic flow in arcjet plasmas”,
S. Namba, T. Shikama, W. Sasano, N. Tamura and T. Endo, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 57, 066101 (2018). -
“Investigation of a large diameter He cascade arc plasma by vacuum-UV and visible emission spectroscopy",
Y. Asano, Y. Iwamoto, K. Fukuyama, N. Tamura, T. Endo and S. Namba,
IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 99, pp. (2018) -
“Laser absorption spectroscopy for measurement of He metastable atoms of a microhollow cathode plasma”,
Keisuke Ueno, Kenta Kamebuchi, Jiro Kakutani, Leo Matsuoka, Shinichi Namba, Keisuke Fujii, Taiichi Shikama, Masahiro Hasuo,
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 57, 01AA03 (2018). -
“Emission of water-window soft x-rays under optically thin conditions using low-density foam targets”,
H. Hara, H. Kawasaki, T.Tamura, T. Hatano, T. Ejima, W. Jiang, H.Ohashi, S. Namba, A. Sunahara, A. Sasaki, M. Nishikino,G. O’Sullivan, and T. Higashiguchi,
Opt. Lett.43, pp3493-3496 (2018). -
“Spectral dynamics of soft x-ray emission in dual laser-produced medium-Z plasma”,
H. Ohashi, H. Hara, G. Arai, T. Hatano, T. Ejima, C. Suzuki, S. Namba, A. Sasaki, M. Nishikino, G. O'Sullivan, T. Higashiguchi,
Appl. Phys. B, 124, 193 (2018). -
“Intense water-window soft x-ray emission by spectral control using dual laser pulses”,
G. Arai, H. Hara, T. Hatano, T. Ejima, W. Jiang, H. Ohashi, S. Namba, A. Sunahara, A. Sasaki, M. Nishikino, G. O’Sullivan, and T. Higashiguchi,
Optics Express, Vol. 26, pp. 27748-27756 (2018). -
“High-density cascade arc plasma sources for application to plasma windows for virtual vacuum interfaces “,
S. Namba, Y. Iwamoto, Y. Asano, T. Shugyo, K. Fukuyama, N. Ikoma, H. Okuno, N. Tamura, and T. Endo,
Physics of Plasmas 25, 113511 (2018); -
“Experiments on laser cleaning of sooted optical windows”,
Takuma Endo, Kazuki Okada, Yuto Ito, Wookyung Kim, Tomoyuki Johzaki, and Shin-ichi Namba,
Appl. Opt. 57(36), 10522-10527 (2018). -
“Enhancement of water-window soft X-ray emission from laser-produced Au plasma under low-pressure nitrogen atmosphere”,
C. John, M. Kishimoto, T. Johzaki, T. Higashiguchi, N. Kakunaka, Y. Matsumoto, N. Hasegawa, M. Nishikino, T. Ejima, A. Sunahara, T. Endo, and S. Namba,
Opt. Lett. 46 pp.1439-1442 (2019). -
“Extreme-ultraviolet coherent pulse amplification in argon”,
C. Serrat, J. Seres, E. Seres and S. Namba, Phys. Rev. A 99, 063425 (2019). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.99.063425 -
“Demonstration of Plasma Window with 20mm Diameter and Pressure Separation for Accelerator Applications”,
N. Ikoma, Y. Miyake, M. Takahashi, H. Okuno, S. Namba, K. Takahashi, T. Sasaki, and T. Kikuchi,
Plasma Fusion Res. 14, 1206148 (2019). -
“Soft X-ray spectral analysis of laser produced molybdenum plasmas using fundamental and second harmonics of a Nd:YAG laser”,
Opt. Exp. 27, pp.33351-33358 (2019). -
“Spatially resolved laser absorption spectroscopy on a micro-hollow cathode He plasma”
K. Ueno, Keisuke, K. Kamebuchi, J. Kakutani, L. Matsuoka, S. Namba, K. Fujii, T. Shikama, M. Hasuo,
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., SAAB03 (2019). -
“Optimized highly charged ion production for strong soft x-ray sources obeying a quasi-Moseley's law”,
Y.Shimada, H. Kawasaki, K. Watanabe, H. Hara, K. Anraku, M. Shoji, T. Oba, M. Matsuda, W. Jiang, A. Sunahara, M. Nishikino, S. Namba, G. O'Sullivan, and T. Higashiguchi,
AIP Advances 9, 115315 (2019). -
“Observation of gain coefficients of 15.47 nm Li-like Al soft x-ray laser in a recombining plasma pumped by a compact YAG laser”,
S. Namba, C. John , T. Morishita , N. Kubo , M. Kishimoto , N. Hasegawa , M. Nishikino,
High Energy Density Physics 25, 100790 (2020). -
“Characteristics of plasma window with various channel diameters for accelerator applications”,
N. Ikoma, Y. Miyake, M. Takahashi, H. Okuno, S. Namba, K. Takahashi, T. Sasaki, and T. Kikuchi,
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 91, 053503 (2020). -
“Electron temperature and soft x-ray intensity scaling in laser heavy element plasma interaction”, T. Higashiguchi, AIP Advances 10, 065306 (2020).
“Observation of water-window soft x-ray emission from laser-produced Au plasma under optically thin condition”,
C. John, M. Kishimoto, Y. Matsumoto, T. Morishita, T. Higashiguchi, T. Endo, A. Sunahara, T. Johzaki, S. Namba,
High Energy Density Physics. 100845 (2020). -
“Deflagration-to-detonation transition in laser-ignited explosive gas contained in a smooth-wall tube”,
Takuma Endo, Shimon Kuwajima, Wookyung Kim,Tomoyuki Johzaki, Daisuke Shimokuri, Akira Miyoshi, Shin-ichi Namba,
Combustion and Flames 219, pp.275-282 (2020). -
“Development of high performance cascade arc discharge device for applications to plasma window”,
Md. Anwarul Islam, Takumi Yamaguchi, Kouhei Fukuyama, Hayato Kawazome, Naoki Tamura, Shinichi Namba,
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, (2020). 10.1109/TPS.2020.3000729 -
“Parametric attosecond pulse amplification far from the ionization threshold from high order harmonic generation in He+”,
Opt. Exp. 28, 24243 (2020). -
“Charge-separated spectra of suprathermal highly charged bismuth ions in a dual laser-produced plasma soft x-ray source”,
H. Kawasaki, T. Tamura, A. Sunahara, M. Nishikino, S. Namba, G. O’Sullivan, and T. Higashiguchi,
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 11, 086103 (2020). -
"Numerical Study on Radiation Trapping of He I Resonance Lines in Arc Plasma Under High-Gas Pressures",
Hayato KAWAZOME, Md Anwarul ISLAM, Shinichi NAMBA,
Plasma and Fusion Research, 16, 2401012 (2021). -
“VUV Emission Spectroscopy for Evaluation of Optical Thickness in He Cascade Arc Plasmas”,Md. Anwarul ISLAM, Ryo SHIGESADA, Takumi YAMAGUCHI, Hayato KAWAZOME, Naoki TAMURA, Hiroki OKUNO and Shinichi NAMBA、Plasma Fusion Res. 16, 2406011 (2021). DOI: 10.1585/pfr.16.2406011
(B) 国際会議発表論文
“Production of Highly-Charged Ions by Clusters Irradiated with Ultrashort High-Intense Pulse Laser”
S. Namba, T. Kawachi, N. Hasegawa, K. Nagashima, K. Sukegawa, M. Tanaka, Y. Kato, et al.
4th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Technical digest II, pp. 110-111 (2001).
“Soft X-ray Emission of Cluster Target Irradiated with Ultrashort High-Intensity Pulse Laser”
S. Namba, T. Kawachi, M. Kado, N. Hasegawa, M. Tanaka, K. Sukegawa K. Nagashima, Y. Kato,
Proc. 10th Int. Sympo. on Appl. Electromagnetics and Mechanics, pp. 369-370 (2001).
“Higher harmonics generation for the high coherent x-ray laser”
N. Hasegawa, A. V. Kilpio, K. Nagashima, T. Kawachi, M. Kado, M. Tanaka, S. Namba, K. Takahashi, K. Sukegawa, P. Lu, H. Tang, M. Kishimoto, T. Renzhong, H.i Daido, and Y. Kato,
Proc. SPIE, 4505, pp. 204-210 (2001).
“X-ray laser research at Advanced Photon Research Center of JAERI, Kansai”
M.Kado, T. Kawachi, M. Tanaka, N. Hasegawa, K. Takahashi, S. Namba, K. Sukegawa, A. Sasaki,
P. Lu, H. Tang, K. Nagashima, H. Daido, A. V. Kilpio, and Y. Kato,
Proc. SPIE, 4505, pp. 54-61 (2001).
“Demonstration of Transient Collisional Excitation X-Ray Lasers in Gases”
P. Lu, T. Kawachi, M. Suzuki, K. Sukegawa, S. Namba, M. Tanaka, N. Hasegawa, R. Tai,
M. Kishimoto, M. Kado, K. Nagashima, H. Daido, Y. Kato, and H. Fiedorozicz,
AIP Conference Proceedings, 634, pp. 241-246 (2001).
“A pulsed supersonic helium beam for diagnostics applications”
D. Andruczyk, B.W. James, K. Takiyama, S. Namba and T. Oda,
The 6th Japan-Australia Plasma Diagnostics Workshop, CD-ROM 6 pages (2002).
“High-Sensitive LIF Measurements of Electric Field Perpendicular to Magnetic Field in Plasmas”
K. Takiyama, S. Namba, S. Furukawa, T. Oda, T. Ohgo, B.W. James and D. Andruczyk,
Proc. 11th Int. Sympo. Laser-Aided Plasma Diagnistics, CD-ROM 5 pages (2003).
“Observation of Interference between Stark and Electric Quadrupole Transitions in LIF from He Atoms in Plasma”
K. Takiyama, S. Namba, S. Furukawa, T. Oda, B.W. James and D. Andruczyk,
Proc. 4th Int. sympo. on Plasma Polarization Spectroscopy, NIFS-Proc-57, pp. 137-143 (2004).
“Charge exchange recombination x-ray laser in a cluster plasma produced by an ultra-short high intensity pulse laser”
S. Namba, K. Takiyama, N. Hasegawa, M. Kishimoto, T. Kawachi, K. Nagashima,
Proceedings "X-RAY LASERS 2004", ed. J. Zhang, pp. 481-484 (2005).
“Atmospheric Observation of OH Radical Reactions with Atomic Hydrogen Produced in Plasmas by Laser-Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy”
K. Takiyama, S. Namba, T. Yamasaki, J.H. Kwon, R.E. Park and H. Nojima,
Proc. 7th conference on Atmospheric Spectroscopy Applications, pp. 245-248 (2005).
“Spectroscopic Investigation of Atomic Hydrogen Generation in Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Device”
H. Nojima, R.E. Park, J.H. Kwon, S. Namba and K. Takiyama,
Proc. 2nd International Workshop on Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasma: Source and Applications, pp. 110-113 (2005).
“Spectroscopic studies of ionization and recombination dynamics in laser produced ZnO plasmas”
S. Namba, K. Uemura, S. Furukawa and K. Takiyama,
Proceedings of the International Conference on Reactive Plasmas and 23rd Symposium on Plasma Processing, pp. 385-386 (2006).
“Development of a pulsed supersonic metastable helium beam source for plasma diagnostics”
S. Namba, D. Andruczyk, D. Ueno, S. Furukawa and B. W. James, K. Takiyama,
Proceedings of the International Conference on Reactive Plasmas and 23rd Symposium on Plasma Processing, pp. 701-702 (2006).
“Inner-Shell Ionization in Xe Clusters Irradiated with X-Ray Laser Pulse”
S. Namba, N. Hasegawa, M. Nishikino, T. Kawachi, M. Kishimoto, K. Sukegawa, M. Tanaka,
K. Nagashima and K. Takiyama,
Proceedings "X-RAY LASERS 2006", pp. 511-515 (2006).
“Emission profile from micro-hollow cathode discharge plasmas in helium water vapor mixture”
T. Yamasaki, S. Namba and K. Takiyama,
Proceedings of the International Conference on Reactive Plasmas and 23rd Symposium on Plasma Processing, pp. 345-346 (2006).
“Observation of OH radical reactions with atomic hydrogen in atmospheric He/H2O plasmas by LIF spectroscopy”
K. Takiyama, S. Namba, T. Yamasaki, A. Shoji, J. H. Kwon, R. E. Park and H. Nojima,
Proceedings of the International Conference on Reactive Plasmas and 23rd Symposium on Plasma Processing, pp. 315-316 (2006).
“Depolarization effect by electrons on electric field measurements in He plasmas using LIF polarization spectroscopy”
K. Takiyama, T. Yamasaki, S. Furukawa, T. Nagashima, S. Namba and T. Oda,
Proceedings of the International Conference on Reactive Plasmas and 23rd Symposium on Plasma Processing, pp. 711-712 (2006).
“Energy spectra and charge states of debris emitted from laser-produced minimum mass tin plasmas”
S. Fujioka, H. Nishimura, T. Ando, N. Ueda, S. Namba, T. Aota, M. Murakami, K. Nishihara, Y. Kang, A. Sunahara, H. Furukawa, Y. Shimada, N. Miyanaga, Y. Izawa, K. Mima,
Proc. SPIE, 6151, V1513 (10 pages) (2006).
“Effect of Collisional Disalignment on LIF Polarization Spectroscopy for Measuring Electric Field in Plasmas”
S. Furukawa, S. Namba, K. Takiyama and T. Oda,
XXVIII International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, pp. 1562-1565 (2007).
“Measurements of localized electrostatic potential well profiles in a He discharge plasma by LIF polarization spectroscopy”
S. Furukawa, Y. Kuramoto, S. Namba, K. Takiyama,
13th Laser aided plasma diagnostics, pp. 170-173 (2007).
“A LIF polarization spectroscopy by use of a Stark-electric quadrupole interference for electric field vector measurement in plasmas”
K. Takiyama, S. Furukawa, S. Namba, T. Oda,
13th Laser aided plasma diagnostics, pp. 275-278 (2007).
"Recent progress on x-ray laser source development and application activities at JAEA"
M. Kishimoto, K. Nagashima, T. Kawachi, N. Hasegawa, M. Tanaka, Y.Ochi, M. Nishikino,
K. Sukegawa, H. Yamatani, Y. Kunieda, S. Namba, K. Namikawa and Y. Kato
Proc. SPIE, 6702, 67020P (2007).
“Time-of-Flight Measurements of Ion and Electron from Xenon Clusters Irradiated with a Soft X-ray Laser Pulse”
S. Namba, N. Hasegawa, M. Nishikino, M. Kishimoto,T. Kawachi, M. Tanaka,Y. Ochi, et al,
Proceedings ”X-Ray Lasers 2008”, pp. 453-459 (2008).
“Energy spectra of photo- and Auger electrons generated by a soft x ray laser and Xe cluster interaction”
S. Namba, N. Hasegawa, M. Kishimoto, M. Nishikino, T. Kawachi,
X-ray Laser 2010, pp 307-310 (2010).
“Spectroscopic Investigations on OH Radicals Generated in He/Water and Air/Water Mixtures by an Atmospheric Pressure Surface Discharge Micro Plasma Device”
K. Takiyama, H. Nojima, T. Noi, S. Namba, T. Yamasaki,
Proceedings of the7th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas (2010).
“Experiments on Hydrodynamic Stability of Laser-Driven Detonations in Nitrogen and Helium Gases”
T. Honda, A. Kawaguchi, Y. Hanta, A. Susa, S. Namba, T. Endo, H. Shiraga, K. Shigemori, et al.
Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (2011).
“Spectroscopic measurement of an inertial electrostatic confinement discharge”
K. Takiyama, S. Namba, S. Furukawa, Y. Kuramoto, K. Nakanishi, O. Tsunefuji,
Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (2010).
“Multi-emission line high-resolution plasma spectroscopy on a micro-hollow cathode atmospheric-pressure helium discharge”
M. Hasuo, S. Namba, K. Fujii, T. Shikama and H. Azuma,
Proceedings of “Plasma Conference 2011” (2011).
“Generation of strongly coupled Xe cluster nanoplasmas by low intensive soft X-ray laser irradiation”
S. Namba, N. Hasegawa, M. Kishimoto, M. Nishikino, T. Kawachi,
Proceedings of the 11th Symposium on Advanced Photon Research (2012).
“Spectroscopic observation of He arcjet plasma expanding through a converging and diverging slit nozzle”
K. Kozue, S. Namba, T. Endo, K. Takiyama, K. Sato and N. Tamura
Joint conference on renewable energy and nanotechnology (JCREN 2013), D34 (4 pages, CD-ROM), Hiroshima, Japan (2013).
“Dependence of supersonic nozzle shapes on plasma plugging effect in an arcjet”
S.Fujino, K. Kozue, S. Namba, T. Endo and N. Tamura
Joint conference on renewable energy and nanotechnology (JCREN 2013), C11 (4 pages, CD-ROM), Hiroshima, Japan (2013).
“Investigation of shock cell formed in an arcjet helium plasma by a double probe measurement”
G. Kumagawa, K. Kozue, S. Namba, T. Endo and N. Tamura
Joint conference on renewable energy and nanotechnology (JCREN 2013), D43 (4 pages, CD-ROM), Hiroshima, Japan (2013).
“Measurement of electric field in a helium micro hollow cathode discharge plasma by forbidden transition”
D. Maki, D. Maki, K. Yanagiya, K. Takiyama and S. Namba
Joint conference on renewable energy and nanotechnology (JCREN 2013), D51 (4 pages, CD-ROM), Hiroshima, Japan (2013).
“Development of versatile molecular beam mass spectrometer for atmospheric pressure plasmas in He+H2O mixtures”
Joint conference on renewable energy and nanotechnology (JCREN 2013), C23 (4 pages, CD-ROM), Hiroshima, Japan (2013).
“Measurements of localized electrostatic potential profiles in He discharge plasmas by LIF polarization spectroscopy”
Joint conference on renewable energy and nanotechnology (JCREN 2013), C14 (4 pages, CD-ROM), Hiroshima, Japan (2013).
“Investigation of shock wave in an arcjet He plasma by electric probe and emission spectroscopy “
G. Kumagawa, K. Kozue, S. Fujino, S. Namba, T. Endo, L. Matsuoka, 9th Asian Plasma and Fusion Association, Gyeongju, Korea (2013).
“Measurements of localized potential profiles in inertial-electrostatic confinement discharges by LIF polarization spectroscopy “
T. Motoyasu, S. Namba, K. Takiyama, 9th Asian Plasma and Fusion Association, Gyeongju, Korea (2013).
“Pump-probe experiment for temporal profile measurement of plasma x-ray laser”
S. Namba, N. Hasegawa, M. Kishimoto, M. Nishikino and T. Kawachi, Springer Proc. in Phys. 169, pp.95-102 (2015).
“Attosecond dynamics of parametric amplification at 11 nm”
J. Seres, E. Seres, B. Landgraf, B. Ecker, B. Aurand, A. Hoffmann, G. Winkler, S. Namba, T. Kuehl, C. Spielmann, Springer Proc. in Phys. 169, pp.173-178 (2015).
“Narrow-band high harmonic emission at 100eV from an optimized generation geometry driven by an ultrafast 40mJ table-top laser”
M. Zürch, A. Guggenmos, C. Heyl, B. Landgraf, A. Hoffmann, C. Spaeth, R. Hollinger, S. Namba, U. Kleineberg and C. Spielmann
International Conference on “Correlation Effects in Radiation Fields, 13-18 Sep. (2015). Rostock, Germany.
“A study on laser ablation of solid-state cesium iodide by Nd:YAG laser for simple generation of atomic Cs vapor",Hitoshi Goto, Takanori Kobayashi, Leo Matsuoka, Joint Conference on Renewable Energy and Nanotechnology (JCREN2016), [CD-ROM] JCREN2016-2C-2 (2016).
“Numerical study on light-induced drift of atomic rubidium based on ab initio interatomic potentials”,Kenta Yuki, Takanori Kobayashi, Leo Matsuoka, Joint Conference on Renewable Energy and Nanotechnology (JCREN2016), [CD-ROM] JCREN2016-2C-3 (2016).
“The continuous-time quantum walk with transition moments of the Gaussian distribution as a mathematical model of rotational excitation in molecules by an optical pulse”, Leo Matsuoka, Hynek Lavička, IC-MSQUARE 2017: International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences, [Virtual presentation] Proceedings 85 (2017).
“Effects of Equation of State on fluid simulations for laser-produced plasmas”
C. Ikeda, A. Sunahara and S. Namba, Int. Conf. on X-ray laser 2017, pp.213-217 (2018).
“Numerical Calculation of Gain Coefficients for a Recombination X-Ray Laser in Carbon Cluster Plasmas”, H. Kawazome and S. Namba
Int. Conf. on X-ray laser 2017, pp. 63-66 (2018).

第2章3節 「プラズマの力でクリーンな環境を作る-空気清浄機-」 難波愼一,pp. 42-53,
2.『プラズマ産業応用技術 -表面処理から環境,医療,バイオ,農業用途まで-』 監修: 大久保正雅章,難波愼一,分担執筆pp. 76-85, シーエムシー出版 (2017)